APH 202: Fall 2007
The first time I ever used a film camera. 35mm film, black and white. I hand-developed and printed all of these myself. This was for a class – before I ever knew I’d be going to school for film, or collecting cameras with a passion.
This was my introduction to film photography. Sometimes I forget that I really developed and printed all of these in a darkroom in La Crosse, WI, like–I really did that. I do remember the spiral film contraptions and the dark film loading areas and all the different chemicals we had to use. Most were taken on the UW-L (University of Wisconsin, La Crosse) campus, but some were in Baldwin or Spring Valley, notably Ray’s Truck Stop (RIP).
I was young and trying to capture the world around me, and trying to figure out what was worth taking a photo of at all. I don’t think this class helped me find my vision, but I don’t think it was meant to; it was meant to focus on the technical details. I don’t think UW-L offers a darkroom photography class at a basic level anymore. All digital now. That’s a shame.